This website has moved to UniversalGravitation.org. Visit the new site, Facebook page, book; and upcoming film, Gravitology, which will be released soon.


Ode to Jerry Hicks [11/22/11]

Jesterham was the initial inspiration for this body of work, and there is deep appreciation for them all.  Today, we were notified about the transformation of Jerry Hicks, and have sent condolences to the family on the following website, which was created for those who would like to share, as we have done:

Thank you Jerry & Esther for sharing Abraham with our atomic structures. The information you’ve blessed us with has greatly impacted human life; it inspired new scientific discovery, and allowed us all to gravitate more than a whiff of bliss.

Much love,

Appreciation for Jerry Hicks
Discoveries, Connection, and Fresh Vantage Points

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